
Health Library

  • How to Talk with Your Healthcare Provider About Back Pain

    How to Talk with Your Healthcare Provider About Back Pain

    If your back hurts, you might write it off as a normal part of life. After all, a lot of people have back pain from time to time. But if back pain is severe, doesn’t go away with time, or is getting in the way of daily life, you might have a significant medical problem.

  • 4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    If you’re under age 50, you may believe that colorectal cancer isn’t something you need to think about right now. But cases of colorectal cancer in your age group have actually been rising for decades. And unlike an older adult, you may not be routinely screened for the disease. That makes it especially important to know how to recognize the warning signs of colorectal cancer. This could help you catch it at an early stage, when it’s easier to treat.

  • Tender Tunes: How Lullabies Help Babies and Families Thrive

    Tender Tunes: How Lullabies Help Babies and Families Thrive

    Lullabies hold meaning in their melodies. They’re signals, sent from parent or caregiver to child, letting the infant know they’re attended to and protected.

Wellness Center

Grow an Allergy-Friendly Garden This Spring

Grow an Allergy-Friendly Garden This Spring

If you’re one of the 40 to 60 million Americans with hay fever, pollen from the grasses, trees, and weeds in your neighborhood can aggravate symptoms. But planting certain seeds, shrubs, and saplings this spring can help you have fewer symptoms all season long.


Bunions, Corns and Hammertoes Quiz

Did you know that untreated bunions may lead to arthritis? Take this quiz and find out how to take care of your feet.


Step-by-Step: Placing an NG Tube for a Baby

This video shows the steps for placing an NG tube for your baby.

Symptom Checker