
Library Resources

  • Need-to-Know Info About Heart Rate

    Need-to-Know Info About Heart Rate

    Two fingers on the neck, eyes fixed firmly on the watch––we’ve likely all seen someone checking their heart rate.

  • What Is Supportive Care for Cancer Patients?

    What Is Supportive Care for Cancer Patients?

    Supportive care is exactly what it sounds like: It’s health care that offers an added boost of physical and emotional support after you’ve been diagnosed with cancer.

  • Cervical Cancer Risk: The Mental Health Factor

    Cervical Cancer Risk: The Mental Health Factor

    Mental health touches nearly every part of our lives, affecting how we think, feel, and act. But did you know it can also influence our risk for physical illnesses? New research drives this point home for one serious condition: cervical cancer.

Wellness Center

For Older Adults- You Can Beat the Heat

After age 65, your body can't adjust to changes in air temperature--especially heat--as quickly as it did when you were younger. That puts you at risk for heat-related illnesses.


Antibiotics Quiz

Antibiotics have been called "wonder drugs," because of their ability to treat bacterial infections that were once deadly. Antibiotics have saved countless lives since they were first introduced 60 years ago. But over use of these drugs has allowed some bacteria to become resistant to them.


Step-by-Step: Self-Care for Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

This video shows how to treat low blood sugar if you have diabetes.

Symptom Checker